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What is Healthy Eating? Why is Eating Healthy important?
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Now that summer is basically over, temperatures may fluctuate from one day to another. A 20 degree change from daytime to  nighttime is not uncommon, espceially in the mountain areas. […]
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Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US, exceeded by heart diseases. Cancer is expected to be the leading cause of death in a couple of years, […]
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Zinc plays an important role in your immune system. Best sources of Zinc from the food pyramid include salmon, chicken, lamb, pork and beef. If you are a vegetarian you […]
By Senior Editor on
If you want to feel good and be able to perform both physically and mentally, you need to get enough of the Essential Nutrients, according to the food pyramid guideline. […]
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The American comedian and author Bill Cosby appeared on Larry King Live show on February 9, 2010 and discussed how to fight Obesity. Bill Cosby has written a new book, […]
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First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on Larry King Live, on February 9, 2010, and talked about Obesity. Obama’s National Movement on Obesity Michelle Obama has started a national movement on […]
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Tips from the First Lady Michelle Obama on how to make changes towards a new and healthier lifestyle. Focus on Moving Your Body Michelle Obama pointed out that not everyone […]
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If you suggest natural foods to someone who has been dieting, you may see a queasy look on their face. Not too many people like what they think of as […]
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Weight loss Chili peppers can help you to lose weight. Japanese studies have shown that chili stimulates fat burning and also has a regulatory effect on appetite. Chili peppers increases […]
By Senior Editor on
Vitamin C has many important functions Vitamin C has many important functions and you really have to make sure that you get enough of this vitamin.Vitamin C helps boosting your […]
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ORAC by USDA The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) has come up with a scale called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) that measures the antioxidant level in foods. ORAC measures […]
By Senior Editor on
Omega 3 consists of the healthy unsaturated fatty acids. By eating a lot of the important Omega 3 you could avoid many diseases. Omega-3 for your health Studies have shown […]