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Detox Diet - The Best Short Term Diet
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Detox Diet

Flickr CCCleanse your body with a Detox Diet

The Detox Diet refers to different diets, herbs and methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for optimum health. Many consider it as the best short term diet. You could do much for the body by drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables in order to cleanse your body. Let’s find out how it all works.

Why do we need a Detox Diet?

We pollute our body with toxins everyday without thinking of it. We are exposed to chemicals through cigarette smoke, pollution and heavy metals like lead. We eat drugs and food additives filled with chemicals and when we eat protein, the body produces ammonia to break it down. The body neutralizes and eliminates toxins by transforming them chemically to less harmful compounds and then they are excreted via stools or urine. The problem is that the chemicals have rapidly been increasing in our food, water and air and our bodies are working overtime with the detoxing process. The problem increases even more if we have a diet that lacks certain nutrients.

The first signs of a polluted body may be indigestion, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin or muscle pain. After years of polluted body it could lead to even more serious problems such as nutritional deficiency, hormonal imbalance, reduced immune function and inefficient metabolism. A detox diet could help you get rid of the toxins and its symptoms.

Detox Diet – Fruits, Vegetables and Water

The main ingredients in a detox diet are water, fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants and fiber. This kind of food will increase you bowel movement. To make sure you don’t get constipated, drink a lot of water. Expect to visit the toilet often, but that is necessary if you want to get rid of the toxins.

Detox Diet – No Processed Foods

Processed foods such as pre-made or canned food, salt, sugar, wheat, red meat, pork, fried food, yellow cheese, cream, butter and margarine, should be excluded from your diet. Coffee and alcohol intake should be substantially reduced or eliminated when you are on a detox diet.

Detox Diet – Short-term Diet

A detox diet is a short-term diet (often one week) and cleanses the body thoroughly from toxins. It may include a special diet, herbs and supplements, hydrotherapy, exercise, breathing techniques and/or sauna therapy. Some detox programs include fasting, colon hydrotherapy, liver flush, and chelation therapy (removing heavy metals from the body).

A detox diet will help the body with the detoxification and eliminating the toxins. The reason for this is that the detox diet has:

  • very little chemicals (organic food)
  • many vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants (needed for detoxification)
  • much fiber and water (increases the frequency of bowel movements and urination)

Detox Diet – Preparations

One of the most common side effects is headache due to caffeine withdrawal. Therefore, it is suggested to gradually decrease the amount of caffeine before starting a Detox Diet. Other side effects include diarrhea (which can lead to dehydration) and constipation (if you eat more fiber without increasing fluid intake). Other side effects can include tiredness, irritability, acne, weight loss, and hunger.

Detox Diet – Benefits

After the Detox Diet it is most possible that you will discover positive effects of improvements in your body. People often report more energy, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, better and clearer skin, and increased concentration and clarity after a detox diet.

Test – Do you need a Detox Diet?

To see if you might need a detox diet, answer the questions below.

Do you often:

  • feel tired
  • have dark circles under your eyes
  • have difficulty concentrating
  • catch colds
  • have bad breath
  • get congested or have gas after eating
  • go for more than one day without having a bowel movement
  • drink less than three cups of water a day
  • eat less than 1/2 cup of vegetables a day
  • eat meat two times or more a day
  • have unpleasant body odors if you don’t use deodorant
  • have acne, allergies, eczema or psoriasis
  • smoke or spend time around other smokers

If you have answered “YES” many times, you would probably benefit from a detox diet.

Remember that fatigue, indigestion, cough, muscle pain and poor sleep can be signs of serious illnesses. That’s why it’s important to see a qualified medical doctor first, to ensure that any symptoms are not caused by a medical condition that requires immediate treatment.

Pregnant or nursing women or children should not go on a Detox Diet.

After your Detox Diet

A detox diet is recommended one or two times a year to improve health and prevent diseases. If a detox diet is continued for a longer time, it may result in nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein and calcium.

In order to stay healthy after the detox diet, a part of your everyday diet should include organic/unprocessed food like raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, vegetable oils and herbs. You should also continue drinking lots of water and herbal teas to flush out toxins from your body.

Detox Diet – Springboard for a Healthier Lifestyle

Many people use a detox diet as a springboard for a healthier lifestyle, and continue drinking lots of water and eating lots of vegetables and fruits, as they did during the detox diet.