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By Luis Fernandez on
Obama and Romney
Last year 47.9 million Americans lived without health insurance. A report released earlier this week by the Commonwealth Fund, a private New York health care research foundation, indicates under President […]
By Helen Anderson on
An interim sigh of relief was felt around the world Sept. 28 when the World Health Organization announced its belief the newly discovered coronavirus—similar to SARS—is not easily transmitted among […]
By Kevin Johnson on
Some New York teens will have another option if they find themselves in a frightening predicament after having unprotected sex. Rather than waiting it out and later dropping out of […]
By Kevin Johnson on
Food stamp facts As of February 2011, the government estimates that nearly 15% of the American population is utilizing food stamps to feed themselves and their families. 15% of the […]
By Luis Fernandez on
The list of Americans waiting for a kidney transplant totals about 93,000. Last year alone, 4,720 of them died waiting for an organ. Yet, each year more than 2,600 donated […]
By Luis Fernandez on
America is on a path toward wide-spread obesity and ill-health, according to a report—“F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future”—released today by Trust for America’s Health and the […]
By Helen Anderson on
While it’s often discussed as a major social and economic issue in places like Central America and Eastern Europe, the missing middle class is a concept that is beginning to […]
By Luis Fernandez on
Sometimes it’s hard to see past the cold and hard facts of our current situation. Since 2008 the United States has found itself on the frontlines of not one, but […]
By Helen Anderson on
Health care of days past Once upon a time, there were two options when it came to medical care: either you received it, or you didn’t. Perhaps at one point, […]
By Mark Slansky on
What is health care reform all about? You may have heard it referred to in the media time and again as Obama-care. Why would national health care be referred to […]
By Helen Anderson on
The USDA will later today announce their new graphical representation of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines For Americans. Will the new food icon be a success for the American people and […]
By Kevin Johnson on
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have finally arrived. There was a scheduled release date that was aming for the last quarter of 2010, but due to certain cirucumstances it […]